Too Much...

Sometimes everything is too much...

For my parents I have to be the best person and the best one possible.
I'm a really active person that tends to have at least to activities a day and I'm not going to lie although it is exhausting, I like it, but there are sometimes when I just feel like everything is too much. When I feel frustrated, I tend to cry and there was a time when I started crying because I was taking more than I was able to handle, I started overloading my agenda, having no free time, feeling super tired by the middle of the day, paying less attention to everything.
Then I made a huge mistake and I realised, Why am I taking myself so seriously?, I know life can be too much sometimes but come on I'm 19 and although I enjoy doing what I do, I also enjoy having my free time where I can be free and take a nap or read or dance.
My biggest advice if you are having the same problem is:
  • Take a step back.
  • Breathe.
  • See if you still like what you are doing.
  • Take some stuff out.
  • Take breaks.
I think that the last one is the most important one, once you realise that you need a break for your mind to just shut down or to do stuff you like, you'll start to feel a lot better.

Mayte B Marcial

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