Things I do to relax...

Sometimes when I have a hard day full of stuff to do or when I didn't had the bestest of my days I always want to get home and relax for maybe an hour or so but sometimes I find it really hard so here are some of the things I do to really put myself in relax mode.
  1. Turn off my cellphone: I don't answering anything so I prefer to apologise later. 
  2. Put music on: Personally I love to listen to songs that have a lot of hate on it or maybe metal because It makes me shout and put everything behind. 
  3. Drink water: After a long day you may be dehydrated. 
  4. Eat something: I cannot tell you how many times I forgot to eat. 
  5. Take a shower: I'm a shower person and singing in the shower really puts me on the mood. 
  6. Sing and dance along: It always works 
  7. Cuddle in bed: I usually watch YouTube videos and read under my cosy blanket. 
  8. Read!: I love to read and I do it a lot but when I'm stressed I love it even more. 
  9. Take a nap: Perfect after cuddling 
  10. Just in case you are really stressed or angry!: Do some exercise 
Thanks for reading!

Mayte B Marcial

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